As a business owner, we can help you review or set up a 401(k) or other employer sponsored retirement plans. For employees, we give advice on which funds to invest in and when to make changes.
A plan sponsor (oftentimes the business owner) is considered a fiduciary. A fiduciary's duty is to act prudently and solely in the interest of the plan participants and beneficiaries. Plan fiduciaries may face potential exposure for underperforming investments, excessive plan fees and inadequate employee education. Is your current adviser a fiduciary? Capstone Pacific can share in your investment fiduciary liability by being actively involved in the investment process.
The Employee Retirement Income Act of 1974 (ERISA) Section 404c says plan sponsors must provide employees with sufficient plan investment information to allow them to make informed investment decisions. Are your employees being educated on the investment options available inside of the plan? Do they know how much they need to save today to enjoy a comfortable retirement later on? We can provide your employees with the knowledge they need to help make smart decisions for themselves.
We help employees answer their most important questions:
1. Which funds do I choose?
2. How much do I invest in each fund?
3. When do I make changes?
Oftentimes employees are busy with their day-to-day lives and their retirement plan takes a back seat to other priorities. Let us give you quarterly recommendations on which funds to invest in, and when to make changes.
Capstone Pacific Investment Strategies, Inc.
Tustin, CA | Fort Collins, CO | Hebron, NE
Phone: 626-915-7006 Fax: 626-915-8803 Email:
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